Development of an Ionic Calcium Deficiency

Spelled out in Part One, an ionic calcium deficiency would result in serious consequences. Namely: the body would be unable to maintain a constant, slightly alkaline pH of 7.4, or manifest other evidences of a state of “perfect health,” as evidenced by:

  • no deficiencies
  • no symptoms of physical changes
  • no disease conditions

Note: The regular exposure of skin to sunshine-producing, person-specific vitamin D may be an important ingredient of this state; conversely, lack of the same may result in a downward spiral chain reaction.

A poor diet and excessive indoor living that gives rise to chronic deficiency of dietary calcium and chronic deficiency of sun-on-skin vitamin D will lower the ionic calcium concentration of tissue fluids. In turn, this will result in lowering the pH of the exterior surface of the cell membrane. In order to maintain the required -70 to – 90 millivolt potential difference across the cell membrane, a substitute buffer is produced within the cell that is far more acidic, and which will lower the pH range of the intracellular fluid to a dangerously low of 4.5 to 3.5.

The resultant chemical change produces increased acidity in the lungs, intestines, and elsewhere by the autonomic or automatic nerve stimulation of the bronchial tree and intestinal tract that will alter their physical state, and so their function. The physical alterations thus produced in those tubular structures amount to

  • increased secretion of bronchial mucous, or
  • alkaline intestinal secretions, and
  • the increased contractility of the smooth muscles
  • which will result in either the retention of acidic carbon dioxide, or the more rapid production and excretion of alkaline intestinal secretions.

Therefore, while the net calcium concentration of the trillions of cells in a person’s body may be decreased by reason of their lifestyle, including diet,
the ionization of the residual cellular molecular calcium is enhanced by increased acidity to the degree that the concentration of ionic or “free calcium” is maintained.
At this juncture

  • the mitochondria or “furnaces” of the cell are possibly the site of the greatest concentration of calcium,
  • whether in inert molecular form, or
  • ionized by vitamin D, or by
  • increase in acidity to gain biological activity.

So, you see, the downward trend from ionic calcium normalcy to ionic calcium deficiency is a gradual progression; although, at this point, it is possible to reverse.