It has been said that we humans are somewhat metallic. Indeed, we’d be in trouble if we weren’t. Some five percent of the human body’s content is made up of various metals and minerals. These include major minerals like calcium and magnesium and tiny trace amounts of others like selenium, chromium, and vanadium; the human body utilizes some 74 known minerals.

According to a report in the September 2006 Nutritional Outlook: “It is a well accepted fact that many people lack sufficient intakes of important minerals in their diet, primarily because they are not consuming mineral containing foods.” Quite apart from calcium deficiencies, other minerals thought to be deficient in a significant percentage of adults and children include iron, zinc, chromium, and selenium—mineral supplementation “may also ward off deterioration of specific organs and systems,” said the report.



Processed and prepared foods are so often mineral deficient. But what we don’t appreciate or even think about is even fresh fruits and vegetables can be robbed of their nutritional value. Robbing food of its trace nutrients was accelerated when farmers began to rely on petroleum pesticides and ammonia- and nitrate-rich fertilizers. And foods that are rich in minerals like spinach, kale, mustard greens, and other leafy green vegetables often are not eaten very plentifully. Plants could be made to grow fast and thick; it was the 1950s “Green Revolution,” when nuclear bombs were being tested and everything was becoming synthetic. Even our farmers began utilizing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Research, however, reveals that petro-foods are lower in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than real foods grown the old fashioned way in enriched soil t nurtured with quality fertilizers and made to be strong by not being given pesticides as genetic crutches. For example, modern day organic agriculture, which has been shown in some studies to producer foods richer in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, utilizes kelp and other mineral rich soil supplements. Processing foods robs them again of what meager mineral content was there. It is ironic that starting with primitive agrarian societies, the most highly refined grain products, with the least mineral content, were the most highly prized by the upper classes. This carries today to the rest of us in the masses where white enriched breads and refined flour products are popular. To make up for nutrient loss in cereals and other banked foods, manufacturers might add back a select few minerals and vitamins; thus, we get the term “enriched.” The very act of adding back to foods is an admission by health experts that modern men and women require mineral fortification. But modern men and women do better with ancient sources. I don’t know about you. I think they’d be better off not robbing the food of its vital nutrients. But I’m not much better at times than the rest of you. Our hectic schedule sometimes leaves little time for cooking from scratch and fast foodsometimes is our reality. It’s why I keep coral minerals in my kitchen cabinet.


Every now and then, I know I need them—and I know they are the purest easily utilized mineral supplement. Coral minerals are highly ionic and predigested by the coral polyp. They are well absorbed and utilized, studies show. Since they’re taken from above-sea coral beds on Okinawa, their gathering does not disturb living coral reefs; what’s more, the above sea reefs are from ancient times well before industrialization and it is said coral minerals are one of the purest sources of calcium and other minerals in the world today. But, as a whole food advocate, what I like about them most is that they supply all known minerals necessary to human health. I am concerned Coral about taking individual mineral supplements. I like whole food supplements. Coral minerals are a concentrated whole food that is so healthy and nontoxic, the same coral itself is used as bone graft material by orthopedic surgeons. Coral and coral minerals are truly body friendly and eco-safe. I can’t always be the healthy eater I want to be.

I don’t know anyone who can, though I am sure most of us will say we are trying. But at night I like to mix a tablespoon of pure eco coral and drink it like a cup of milk to help supply and replenish my body with all known necessary minerals for health. One of the things I’ve learned from contributing writer Dr. James Chappell (who also endorses coral minerals) is that minerals require each other as cofactors to be absorbed and utilized (see mineralwheel). But you don’t get this balancing act from synthetic isolates. The more potent forms of minerals always seem to be whole food oriented. Certainly when cultivated by fermentation, selenium is perhaps most potent, as are coral minerals which are also predigested. (A little sunshine helps too, which is why Coral Inc’s bone building formula contains vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin our bodies produce from solar radiation.) When I think of my diet I know I need to do better. Show some old-fashioned restraint and resist temptation. I am grateful that a company like Coral LLC. cares enough about our health and doing something positive in the world to have made itself perhaps the most respected provider of eco-safe above-sea coral today. It is why I purchase only their eco-safe above-sea products—(not only their coralminerals but also their coral mineral toothpaste). It is all good for my health and part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. I also know that I am spending my money thoughtfully on a company that caresa bout me. I would feel terrible if I were using isolates or if I were buying a product from a company that was destroying coral reefs. I just wouldn’t like it. Even if we can’t be perfect and we do eat some junk foods, at least we can make up for it, thanks to coral minerals.

Coral Complex and Eco Pure Coral Powder are exceptional coral mineral products. Not only do these products use coral from above-sea and ecologically safe reefs, their quality is considered to be among the best in the natural products industry. For more information, visit or call Coral LLC at (800) 882-9577.

From the doctors’ prescription for healthy living

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